Agriculture Network
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Ag secretary: Bay states lead on conservation
September 15, 2016
The six states in the Chesapeake Bay's watershed lead the United States in conservation practices. Ninety-nine percent of the watershed's cultivated acres have at least one conservation measure in place, a figure U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack called "an extraordinary achievement unmatched anywhere in the United States."
Conservation Agriculture in "La Nuit de l'Agroecologie"
June 22, 2016
CA was present during «La nuit de l’Agroecologie» (Agroecology’s night), an opportunity for farmers around France to share their engagement with Agroecology and its principles, and for citizens to meet those that put into action every day. This time was the APAD the organization responsible to show CA bases, objectives and benefits. M. Benoit Lavier (APAD’s President) participated in the debate workshop “Better to stock Carbon by living soils” with M. Soussana (INRA), M. and Ms. Bourguignon (LAMS). It was an occasion to valorize the ecosystems services provided by the pioneers who practice CA.

2nd Agriculture and Climate Change Conference 2017: Abstract submission deadline
September 15, 2016
There is just one month left to submit abstracts for the 2nd Agriculture and Climate Change Conference: Climate ready resource use-efficient crops to sustain food and nutritional security to be held 26 – 28 March 2017 at the Meliá Sitges, Sitges (near Barcelona), Spain.