Jan 01, 2020
Smallholder farmers' motivations for using Conservation Agriculture and the roles of yield, labour and soil fertility in decision making
Highlight: Strongest predictor of intention to use CA is the attitude that farmers hold towards CA. Key cognitive drivers are increased yield, reduction in labour and improvement in soil quality. Farmer Field School members perceive CA as the easiest to use and have the highest intention to use CA.
The poorest farmers have a higher intention to use CA than better-off farmers. Potential barriers to using CA are perceptions of labour shortage and lack of knowledge/skills.
May 28, 2023
Obstacles analysis and levers proposals to encourage Conservation Agriculture development: a privileged path to Agro-Ecology
As an initiative of APAD’s President, two parallel approaches were leaded in order to obtain a clear identification of obstacles and levers in connection with CA development. Five axes were addressed: Economy and finances, Agronomy and technics, Sociology, Regulation and Communication.
No-till experiences: a final update from Tony Reynolds
Thursday, September 15, 2016
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No-till experiences: mid-season update with Tony Reynolds
Thursday, September 15, 2016
No-till experiences: an introduction at drilling time
Thursday, September 15, 2016